Tag Archives: open wonderland

Sketch Life: Modelling for Second Life made easier!

19 Aug

Love Google Sketch-up but unable to deploy the models in Second Life?

Well, in such a situation, there are other solutions such as using Google Earth as your virtual world platform or a platform that I am very familiar with, OpenWonderland.

If Second Life is a must for you, then Sketch Life might be just the thing for you!

Sketch Life allows you to export your Sketch-up models to be deployed in Second Life (SL). The video below shows you how quick and easy it is to get your models up and running into SL:-

VRshed (developers of Sketch Life) provided a detailed tutorial on how to import a model from Google 3D Warehouse, edit and export for SL using Sketch Life. The tutorial can be viewed here – http://vrshed.com/sketchlife/tutorial.html

For those who have yet to try Google Sketch-up, try their detailed video tutorials and you can never go wrong!

If you are not quite ready for any of the above, let’s take some baby steps, shall we? Give Google Building Maker a shot! Building Maker is a 3D modeling tool for adding buildings to Google Earth. It’s fun to use, and an easy way to get on the 3D map.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Select a city from around the world.
  2. Make a building with photos we provide.
  3. Save your building and it will be reviewed.
  4. See your 3D building in Google Earth… with millions of others!

Get your hands dirty with some 3D and have fun ya’ll!