
2 Feb

At work we get constant requests to conceptualize and produce RSA-style timelapse video content for trainings.

While we are trying to establish a style we call our own (instead of being yet another RSA-wannabe), I was on the look-out for a stopgap measure that requires lesser resources.

And then the ah-ha moment…. why not Prezi (think: doodle function and linked path and motion)?!

To embed Prezi in blogs, look-up bookbagdesigner‘s response to this thread.

How Video Games are Changing Education

13 Sep

Courtesy of Online Colleges -

Digital Storytelling in 7 Lines: A Creative Challenge

16 Jun

Create yours today at !

When Google meets Microsoft…

28 May

Of clippings and pinnings.

25 Feb

We use Diigo at work to share information/resources. Something along that line will be (Pin·terest (pĭn’trĭst): n. a social catalog to collect and share things you love)! I’ve been visiting this site practically 10times daily for all that eye-candy. Downside is I am STILL on the waiting list so no boards for myself yet!

I apply the similar technique while searching for information online. No though, I go for Evernote’s Web Clipper. For the missing social aspect, share your Evernote notebook with the world/individual(s).

No pinning (at least for now) but I am happy with my clipping(s) 🙂

2 March 2011: Come see what 2011 will be the year of…

24 Feb


The rumor lately is that a 7″ model is on its way to sit right beside the current 9″ model, and due to Apple’s resolution independence and growing number of developers, a new size won’t cause many issues beyond a few optimizations that have to happen from App Store developers to make things look perfect. For the most part, Apple’s going to make sure most apps “just work.”

The new screen size will help iPad reach a lower price point for consumers and compete with the Amazon Kindle in size and price. Soon, an iPad with thousands of apps will sit along-side the Kindle nicely and make Amazon drop its price even lower to compete.


You can be sure that Apple’s Retina Display, or something very close, will make its way to iPad. More and more iPhone 4 users are telling me that they use the iPhone over iPad because of the beautiful screen and how the iPad just feels empty and flat. This is an inevitable upgrade that is going to force us early adopters who own an iPad and iPhone 4 to jump in line. That screen is addictive and we want it.


Apple’s FaceTime making its way to the next generation iPod touch (via a front-facing camera) and Macs (by the way of a software update) seem like logical steps, but what about iPad? Steve’s promise of “millions of FaceTime devices by the end of the year” is starting to sound empty as we approach September, but it’s this month that we’ll see more of those “millions” of devices available to the public when new iPods and a new iPad is released.

In Apple’s latest iOS betas, you can FaceTime someone based on their email address so devices that aren’t phones (everything but iPhone) will be able to use FaceTime no problem. This is when things really start getting interesting


I’m doubtful of this one but it’s worth mentioning in this post. Apple generally waits two to three refreshes before redoing the overall hardware of its devices, but a thinner iPad may be in line that mimics much of Apple’s iPhone 4. Squaring off the design would help the device lay flat, but would also make it more susceptible to scratches. I’ve long wanted an iPad bumper case to help in the event of a drop and wish Apple would move away fromsteel aluminum as it’s so darn slippery. This is a maybe as Apple can legitimately call this a second generation iPad without modifying the outer shell. Of course, if it’s releasing a smaller screen size, it might be a good idea to change things up a bit to throw off the competition. We’ll see.


Hello 2011!

17 Jan

This is coming a little too late. But, hey, we can technically wish one another “happy new year” till the end of January right? 😉

The end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 has been a (yet another) very hectic period. Parties Projects has kept me very much on the toes. Have been exploring new stuff and keeping myself updated with new developments in some areas I’ve been working on.

For an upcoming project, my colleagues and I are venturing into mobile web app development. Loads to learn and pick-up during a short period of time. Project officially starts in March but we have to get the planning and other docs going before the actual development takes place.

That being said, first and foremost is to get the mock-up going. The designer (a genius!) discovered a great wireframe toolkit that helps a great deal especially when we need a mock-up that facilitates some collaboration work. Yes, the keyword – COLLABORATION! We are using a Google Drawing wireframe template for iPhone courtesy of Morten Just.



You can find the his list of templates here.

Thank you Morten Just but our prayer has only been 1/2 answered. Make us a wireframe template for the iPad, please.

Putting FUN into Functional

21 Dec

A current project provided me opportunities to explore 3-D virtual learning environment platforms and games. This project comes in many parts (will certainly keep me busy in the coming 2011!) and one being simulation-like and a major requirement being user to manipulate parameters to simulate various scenarios *major headache*!

Decided to give it a twist and work with FB games and machinimas instead.

My inspiration came from the videos below:-

Can’t wait to remould the idea(s)! *think Play Doh* 😉

Adding the “Social” touch to Google Apps

14 Dec

Wanna give it a go? Click here.

When Creative Media meets Google Apps…

13 Dec